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History of Tea

Tea tree oil is a special type of essential oil obtained by distilling tea tree leaves with water. The tea tree or melaleuca, as it is also called, grows in the tropics and resembles eucalyptus in appearance. The first miraculous properties of the leaves of this shrub were discovered by the Australian Aborigines. They used them to treat scurvy, food poisoning, and skin rashes. With snake bites and tropical infections, the natives resorted to the help of juice obtained from tea tree leaves. Its effect was so strong that sometimes even the most hopeless patients managed to recover.
In Europe, the beneficial properties of the tea tree became known thanks to James Cook. Together with the expedition, he visited Australia in the 18th century, where he saw how the local Aborigines fight diseases and infections using natural remedies. After that, its real name was assigned to the plant, since the decoction of its leaves tasted like strong tea. Despite the fact that in the 18th century the discovery of the benefits of tea tree products did not make much impression after a while people were able to appreciate its value.
Tea tree oil has been studied by scientists since the advent of aromatherapy. Studies have shown that it has a wide range of therapeutic effects, can have a positive effect on the human body, and is not inferior in its properties to many strong antibiotics. [12] Only at the beginning of the 20th century, experiments were carried out proving that tea tree oil is an effective antiseptic. It is non-toxic and non-irritating. With its help, it was possible to heal wounds, and cuts much faster, to cope with diseases that affect the genitourinary system, nasopharynx, and rectum. It has been used to fight fungal infections.

However, all its properties were fully studied only during the Second World War. Soldiers’ first-aid kits always contained tea tree oil. Treatment with it allowed wounds to heal much faster than the use of traditional drugs. After it turned out that the blood enhanced the healing properties of tea tree oil. Its action helped to heal even lacerated wounds in a short time. The name of the oil, which is used in Australia, is not accidentally translated as “ambulance”.

When processing the leaves of a plant, it is important to preserve all their medicinal properties. In this regard, a method that involves steam distillation has been chosen as the main method for the production of tea tree essential oil. Experiments have shown that it is the most effective and gentle.
Crushed tea tree leaves are steamed. The whole process takes place under high pressure. At the same time, the essential oil is also captured along with water vapor. When the steam has cooled, it can be separated and filtered. The tea tree oil extracted in this way is packaged in separate containers, and it goes on sale.
The duration of distillation affects the quality of the oil obtained. Volatile substances can be saved the more, the longer the leaves are treated with water vapor. However, such a duration entails significant costs, which means that the resulting oil will have to be sold at a high price. For this reason, retail stores most often offer tea tree oil, which was obtained through the use of an accelerated method. Although the product is also of high quality. Inexpensive and healthy tea tree oil today is widely used in various fields of human activity.

Green Tea Collection

Tea tree leaves and the oil obtained from them have a tart and invigorating smell. It has bitter and spicy notes. When you inhale the oil, you first feel a light aroma of a freshly cut forest. After that, sharp and bitter notes are already noticeable. Although the smell is based on a fruity aroma. At first glance, this combination may seem somewhat strange. Due to this unusual and mysterious smell, tea tree oil is used for aromatherapy. In addition, it is part of many perfume blends. The aroma of the tea tree is successfully complemented by spicy smells.
From stress and depression. The use of tea trees in aromatherapy allows you to get rid of fears, depression, and obsessions. Patients feel much calmer after the sessions. Such aromatherapy is necessary for those who would like to increase their efficiency and overcome stress. Tea tree oil will help activate thought processes, strengthen memory and improve the perception of reality.

The oil has unique antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. All these qualities make it one of the most effective natural antibiotic immunostimulants. This tool can be a worthy alternative to drugs obtained artificially. Tea tree oil helps with various infections, and also speeds up the recovery process after an illness. Colds and flu in children will recede faster if used for aromatherapy.
Tea tree oil contains a number of compounds, including terpinene-4-ol, which has been shown to kill certain types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. Studies have shown that tea tree oil helps reduce inflammation and triggers the activity of white blood cells, which play an important role in the healing process.
Terpinene-4-ol also increases the activity of white blood cells, which help fight germs and other foreign invaders in the body.
These germ-fighting properties make tea tree oil a valuable natural remedy for treating bacterial and fungal skin conditions, preventing infections, and promoting wound healing.
In a small 10-person study, adding tea tree oil to conventional wound care was found to reduce healing time in 9 out of 10 participants.

Antifungal effect. Tea tree oil contains compounds that help fight mold growth in fruits and vegetables. Adding tea tree oil to the water when rinsing fruits and vegetables can help keep food fresh without mold.
Antioxidant activity. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry published a study highlighting the antioxidant activity of tea tree essential oil.
Hypoallergenic. The wide range of applications of this natural remedy is due to the fact that it rarely causes skin irritation, even if its dosage is exceeded. Avoid using tea tree oil only if you are intolerant to it.

In cosmetology. Oil has been widely used in cosmetology due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to get rid of rashes by improving the overall condition of the skin, stimulates hair growth, and gives them shine. With its help, it is possible to cope with puffiness in a short time. It also allows you to even out the skin, eliminating the damage, thickening, and neoplasms formed in the upper layer of the epidermis. Those who suffer from warts should also use tea tree oil. Women with oily and problematic skin should include cosmetics based on this oil in their daily care. A few drops of it can be added to intimate hygiene products to enhance their antibacterial properties.
Aromatherapy. Tea tree oil is often used to scent rooms. Thus, it is possible not only to spread a pleasant bitter smell but also to disinfect the air. Aromatherapy with tea tree oil is also an excellent prevention of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

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